Wednesday, March 23, 2011

tot school letter j

Tot School
Letter J
33 Months

J is for Jonah
This week our character trait was obedience.  We read the story of Jonah and the whale and talked about the importance of obeying God.  I copied  the pictures for the Bible Story out of Sunday School Curriculum I have called More Toddlerific Fun Faith-Builders.  Then I cut, colored, and laminated the pictures.  I put a paper clip on the end of the pictures and Little Sweets fished for the story.  She loved this activity.  We did it several times throughout the week.   

J is for Jumping
I wrote numbers in an egg carton.  We put a pom pom in the egg carton and shook it up.  Little Sweets opened the  carton and told me the number the pom pom landed on.  Then she jumped that many times.  (Next time I will use a marble instead of a pom-pom.)

J is for Jelly Beans
I created an addition mat for Little Sweets to use.  She picked out a number card from a stack cards. She identified the number and put in on the mat.  Then she counted out that many jelly beans.  Then she picked another card and did the same thing.  I explained that we were adding and needed to count how many jelly beans there were altogether.  She counted them and found the correct number to put after the equals sign.  She really enjoyed this activity especially since she got to eat jelly beans.

Letter J Fine Motor Activities
Little Sweets painted a "J" using water.

Little Sweets put stickers on a letter "J"

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