
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tot School Letters "S" and "T"

Tot School- Letters "S" and "T"

34 Months

Sticker Shapes
I printed out the shape of a triangle.  Little Sweets put stickers on the lines.

Stamp Cards
I made cards with circles on them.  Little Sweets stamped inside the circles.

Then she counted the stamps.

She turned the card over to check the number and then traced the number.

Stamp Patterns

I got out my fun scrap booking scissors and helped Little Sweets cut paper. 

T is for Tracing
I made these tracing cards for Little Sweets.  They are laminated so she can reuse them.  We are really working on her fine motor skills and learning how to hold a writing utensil correctly. 

Teddy Bear-Positional Words
We used Little Sweets teddy bear during a lesson about positional words.  I didn't post all the pictures here are 2 examples. 


On top

Letter Bag
Little Sweets and I found toys that start with the letters "S" or "T".  Then she told daddy what each toy was and what letter it starts with.

Preschool Bag Activity- Blog Hop

Matching Game- I made this game from border I bought from the dollar tree.  To learn more about this activity or to join my blog hop please go here.  I'm hoping to meet more mommies who've come up with preschool activities that can fit in ziploc bag. 

Tiny Tot
This is Little Peanut I was going to use the nickname cutie pie, but I call her peanut more often.  She will be 4 months old next week.  She just started holding things with her hands.  She is growing up so quickly.

For more great tot school posts go here.


  1. First of all Belated HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO YOU...Seriously you have got a very talented girl and am pretty sure that little one will be the same after she get's to her sis age..


  2. Lots of fun! Love the stamp patterns.

    Just popping in from tot school.

  3. The stamp cards are an awesome idea! I love how you used something exciting like stamps to reinforce numbers. Stamps are always popular at our house too!


  4. Love the stamping and counting activity! I'll definitely be keeping that in mind for future use.

    Visiting from tot school.

  5. Great Idea! I just want to let you know I’ve given you the Versatile Blogger Award! Check it out here:
    Thanks and have a great weekend!
