
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Review of the book "Daddy Dates" by Greg Wright

I recently received the book Daddy Dates courtesy of In this book, the author, Greg Wright shares his experiences raising four daughters. He explains how he built and fostered his relationships with his daughters by taking them on dates. Throughout the book Wright describes how he gets to know his daughters better. He includes a personality quiz and describes fifteen dates a father can take his daughter on.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this book. The book was entertaining and I really liked how the author gave practical advice on how to talk with daughters.  The author recognizes the impact a father can have on his daughter and the importance of building lasting relationships with daughters. This book is a great starting point for fathers who want to build a relationship with their daughter.

My husband also read this book. He enjoyed some of the content found in the book, but felt the author could have shared the same information in a shorter book. He also thought a lot of the information found in the book is common sense, but agrees that it may be helpful for some fathers.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. For more information about this program please go here.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your review on this book. I grew up having "Daddy Dates" with my dad. It could have something as simple as going grocery shopping with him, but it was our time together. For that reason, I am extremely close to my dad. I want my girls to have the same relationship with my husband, so I will definitely be checking out this book!
