
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tot School Letters "U", "V", and "W"

Tot School
Letters U,V, and W
35 months

Our Tot School activites have been slowing down now the weather is nice out.  We do a lot of playing outside with friends instead, which I think is very important.  Here are some activities we have done recently.

Little Sweets read her alphabet book.

Little Sweets put the umbrellas in order from largest to smallest.  I got the printable from COHS.

Little Sweets put her umbrellas in numerical order.  You can print this out from here.

Little Sweets extended the pattern.

Little Sweets circled the matching letter.  I got this printable from COHS.

Little Sweets matched the picture with the correct letter.  You can print out picture cards from here.

Little Sweets used her fingerprint to make seeds on her watermelon. 

Tiny Tot School
 Peanut is learning to grab everything and is putting it in her mouth.  Here she is with Little Sweets sippy cup.  ( I poured the water out.)

For more tot schoo posts go here.


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