
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Teaching Sequential Order Using Instruction Manuals

Teaching Sequential Order Using Instruction Manuals

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Today we used an instruction manual as part of our math lesson.  I was trying to teach Little Sweets the importance of following a sequence and recognizing what step comes next.  I used a Brio Mec instruction manual as my teaching tool.  I showed her the manual and she picked out the vehicle she wanted to create and followed each step in the instruction manual.  This activity taught her the importance of following instructions as well as the importance of sequential order.  I love these manuals because they are made specifically with children in mind and have great pictures to show her what she needs to do next.  If you can't find Brio Mec sets  Lego manuals can also be great tools for teaching sequential order.  If you miss one step or go out of order your creation doesn't look like the picture in the manual.

She was so excited when she finished. Here is what her vehicle looked like after she followed all the instructions.   

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