
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Compassion Explorer Magazine for Kids- Great Teaching Tool

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Did you know that Compassion has a magazine for kids?  I just found out about it and asked that they send it with the compassion magazine I get quarterly.  The magazine is a great teaching tool.  I use it to teach my daughter about different cultures around the world, geography, and about helping and praying for others. The magazine has an arts and crafts section, examples of kids who care for others, and a devotions section.

My daughter loves the magazine and I am so glad I requested it.  If you are interested in receiving the magazine you can ask that they send you a copy with the quarterly magazine you receive or you can look at it online here.  Compassion also has a great free Christian Homeschool Curriculum check it out here.  

To learn more about Compassion International and how you can get involved with this amazing organization click here

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