
Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 10 Preschool

Preschool Week 10
I've finally figured out a routine that works for our schedule and I am so excited.  I set out 4-5 preschool activities at our kitchen table.  During learning time Little Sweets gets to choose the actvities she wants to do.  Most days she does them all.  Little Peanut sits in her high chair and has a snack or plays with toys during this time. If she's fussy I also wear her in the moby or ergo baby.  I am so excited because I have been going crazy trying to get a routine down and something that works for our family.  We did learning time 4 mornings this week  and Little Sweets had a great time.  I wasn't stressed looking for materials and she didn't get bored waiting for me to get organized, everything was out and she had the freedom to choose her activity.  : )  Of course she is always learning and I am always teaching her, it is just nice to have a formal learning time again. 

Here are some of our activitis from this week and last week since I am not great at posting weekly anymore.

Exploring Leaves and Fall Colors
Little Sweets collected leaves from the trees in our yard.

Size Sequencing Using Leaves

Painting Leaf Pictures  Using Water Colors
We used the leaves in a book we made.

Graphing Leaves
Little Sweets put the leaves on the graph.  She told me which color had the most leaves and which had the least leaves.

Leaf Patterns
Little Sweets helped extend the leaf patterns.

Building High Frequency Words Using Letter Blocks
Little Sweets mixed the letters in the bowl and picked them out with a spoon.  Then she made her high frequency words and read them to me.  If you don't have letter blocks make some out of legos.  You can write the letters on the lego or put letter stickers on the lego. I got this idea here.

Ordinal Numbers
Little Sweets was pretending her little people were jumping into a pool.  I told her who needs to jump in 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.

Bible Activity Fruits of the Spirit 
Little Sweets drew pictures of how she can show love, and have joy. 

Sorting Leaves
Little Sweets used chopsticks to pick up foam leaves and sort them by color into ice cube trays. 

Number Identification
I called out a number and Little Sweets covered the number up with a foam leaf.

Collecting and Playing in the Leaves
We collected leaves and talked about all the different colors we saw.

Painting with Watercolors

Guided Reading Lesson and Journal Entry with Invented Spelling
Little Sweets read the book The Forest during her guided reading lesson.  During the lesson I introduced the book by talking about animals we see in the forest.  Little Sweets told me some animals she thought lived in the forest.  I showed Little Sweets pictures of animals from the book and she named them.  I reminded Little Sweets about the front cover and back cover of the book.  She showed me where the title page was.  We took a picture walk through the book.  She showed me where the page numbers were.  I introduced a new high frequency word that was in the book.  She read the book to me.  She used picture cues and begining sounds to help with new words.  She did an excellent job reading the book.  Afterwards she picked an animal from the forest pictures and glued it into her journal.  We stretched the word out together and she wrote the letters of the sounds she heard-  SQRL for squirrel.

Little Sweets just started taking ballet and loves it.

This post is linked up to tot school.


  1. Looks like a great week!! I loveall the leaf activities!!

    I'm your newest follower from MBC! I hope you'll follow me back!

  2. Such a fun fall week. Your little girl's printing is lovely! Great journal activity!

  3. Lots of great learning activities! Thanks for sharing.
