
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Preschool Week 9

Preschool Week 9-
Apples and other Fun Activities

Here are some activities we've been doing for preschool.
Pretend Play
I've been looking back on my blog and noticed that I don't write much about pretend play.  Pretend play is very important during the preschool years.  Little Sweets has a large imagination.  She engages in pretend play all the time.  Here is a picture of us pretending to be princesses and dancing at the princess ball. 

Ready by 5 Program
Our school district has a great parent child preschool program.  Twice a month Little Sweets attends the preschool science program.  I really like the program because she gets the opportunity to interact with other children in a classroom setting.  She is learning to follow instructions from another authority figure (her teacher).  I get to do the class with her so I still have the opportunity to guide her learning.  I also love that she gets to use preschool classroom materials that I don't have at home.  Here are some things she's done in the class.

Sorting Bears by Color, Painting on the Easel, and Painting with Apples

Apple Orchard Trip
Little Sweets picked apples at an apple orchard.

Made Patterns with the Apples

Put the Apples in Order from Smallest to Biggest

Graphed the Apples
I put apples in a bag and Little Sweets used a graph to tell me how many yellow apples and how many red apples there were.

She also helped me cook an apple pie, but I didn't take any pictures. 

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