
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tot School Letters "Q" and "R"

Letters "Q" and "R"
34 Months

Q-Tip Art

It was difficult to find letter "Q" activities.  I was going to have Little Sweets paint with q-tips, but since it was raining outside I had to come up with another activity.  I decided to tie the activity to our Bible Story.  The Bible Story we worked on this week was Noah and the Ark.  I cut out and colored the story from the curriculum More Toddlerifc Faith Building Activities.  After I told the story.  I reminded Little Sweets about how Noah obeyed God and how God was faithful in keeping Noah safe.  (This weeks character's trait is obedience.)  Then I made a rainbow with washable markers and Little Sweets dipped a q-tip in water and painted over the rainbow to spread the colors.

R is for Rain Stick
I helped Little Sweets make a rain stick.  She put stickers on a paper towel roll.  I used paper and contact paper to close the one end of the roll.  Then I rolled up a long piece of aluminum foil and placed it in the roll.  We poured rice in the roll and closed the other end with paper and contact paper.  It was easy and fun.

R is for Rainbow Rice
This activity wasn't planned.  Little Sweets had so much fun playing with the rice from the rain sticks that I decided to turn it into another activity. That is what I love most about teaching my little ones.  So many unplanned fun activities come from their interests and ideas.   We placed rice in a Ziploc back and added a few drops of food coloring. Then Little Sweets shook the bag.  Afterwards Little Sweets poured the rice in a large bowl and had playing with it.  She really enjoyed pouring it into other bowls. 

Raindrop Clothespin Letters
I made these last year for my April's showers unit.  You can down load the raindrops here. I glued the raindrops to clothespins and Little Sweets put the raindrops on the picture that matched the letter. 

Rain Boot Matching Game
I also used this game last year.  You can download the printable here.  Little Sweets matched the rain boots together. 

Raindrop Puzzles
Little Sweets matched the number of raindrops with the correct number on the clouds.  I also made this as a printable you can download it for free here.

R is for Rhyming
We went over some rhyming pictures and words that I had from a game I used when I was teaching.

R is for reading
Little Sweets loves to look at books.  She decided on her own that she wanted to read to her sister.  She picked out  a book and showed her the pictures.  This book has songs in it so Little Sweets sang the songs she knew and told her sister about the pictures.  So cute!!

Other Activities

Monkey Joe's
Little Sweets went to a place called Monkey Joe's.  Monkey Joe's has lots of inflatables for kids to jump on.  She enjoyed playing with friends. 

Preschool Bag Activity
Over the weekend I created a bunch preschool bag activities.  This week was Bead Activities.  I am also hosting a blog hop for other bloggers who wish to share their preschool bag activity ideas.  For more about this activity and the blog hop please go here.

For more great tot school posts go here.


  1. lovely activities! I loved the rainbow and the rain stick, how fun! Visiting from the blog hop, nice to 'meet' you!

  2. Cute activities. I really like the rainboot matching-they are so cute. I downloaded them for my crew! Thanks!!

  3. Fabulous works! I love how you explained Noah! Have a good week!

