
Friday, January 25, 2013

Review of Bringing Up Girls by James Dobson

 Review of Bringing Up Girls by Dr. James Dobson

I received the book Bringing Up Girls by Dr. James Dobson courtesy of Tyndale Blog Network.  This was a great book for me to read as I have two young daughters and another on the way.  In this book Dobson uses a research based approach to educate parents on how to raise their daughters.  I think he did a good job sharing information that most parents should know and understand about girls and young women.  I could relate to many of ideas presented in the book.  This is a good book for parents who want better insight on how to connect and understand their daughters better.  I would caution that if you want a book that has many Biblical references this is not the book.  As I stated earlier Dobson supports most of his advice with research and studies.  I agree with much of what Dobson has to say, but as with many authors I do not agree one-hundred percent of his advice.  I was especially frustrated with a question he answered in the book.  The question states that their daughter is a “people pleaser” and asks for advice.  He states that the parent should do nothing about it.  I completely disagree with his advice and am even appalled that he would make this argument.  As a Christian I know that God calls us to be a God pleaser not a people pleaser.  A child who is a people pleaser will fall prey to peer pressure and will also struggle in their obedience with God.  While I don’t want to discredit the rest of the book because I disagree with one thing he has written,  I would caution readers to carefully reflect on what Dr. Dobson has to say and if you are Christian make sure it aligns with what the Bible has to say.   

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Tyndale Blog Network book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. For more information about this program please go here. 

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