
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Getting in His Word Wednesday- Fruit of the Spirit Gentleness

This past week we worked on the concept of gentleness.  This topic has come up many times since Little Peanut was born and Little Sweets demonstrated that she had some grasp of the concept when  I asked her what gentleness was and she softly touched her own head.  I also explained that we can also be gentle in our voice.  I gave examples of what a gentle voice sounds like and what it does not.  We practiced and Little Sweets looked at me and said, " okay mommy when little peanut bites me I will say please don't bite me that hurts instead of yelling in her face, "  she came up with it on her own.  Of course I need to teach Little Peanut that biting is unkind and that she should not be doing that, but that is for another post. 

Proverbs 15:1    A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.

I found some good defenitions about gentleness at the focus on the family website and I really enjoyed them.

  • Gentleness is a strong hand with a soft touch.

  • A gentle person speaks the truth in a way others can receive.

  • True followers of Christ are distinguished by gentleness.    
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