
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fun Frugal Friday Linky Party Week 2

Fun Frugal Friday Linky Party


A big thanks to all the bloggers who linked up last week! There were so many great ideas. Here are my top two picks from last week. 

FREE Tangled Preschool Packet
tangled preschool pack blog image

This is a great free packet from Living Life Intentionally.  If you're little girl likes the movie Tangled, she'll love this packet, mine did. 

The Snowman Experiment

The other featured post is The Snowman Experiment by Mom to 2 Posh Divas.  This is a great experiment, especially if you live in a part of the country where you don't get snow. 

If you've been featured please grab a button. 


· Link up frugal kid friendly activities, games, or crafts. Please no promos or giveaways.
· Link up your exact post not your home page. Your posts can be old or new. 
· Please link back to this blog by adding a text link or adding the Fun Frugal Friday button to your post or sidebar. 
· Each week I will feature 2 posts from the previous week.
· Have fun linking and if you get a chance comment on some other links.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and letting me know abt ur linky!

  2. Hi! I've enjoyed looking around your blog--thanks for the party invite! I'll "see" you around!

  3. Thanks for featuring my Tangled Pack!!! I hope LOTS of people can make sure of it!!
    Beth =-)

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog and letting my know about your linky party. Thanks for the invite. Have a great week!
