
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fun Frugal Fine Motor Activities

Fun Frugal Fine Motor Activities
36 Months

Lacing Straws onto Pipe Cleaners
 I love pipe cleaners.  You can use them for so many different activities.  This week I cut up straws and Little Sweets matched the color of the straw with the pipe cleaner and put the straw on the pipe cleaner.

We also did a patterning activity with the straws and pipe cleaners. 

Chopsticks and  Pom Poms
Little Sweets used chopsticks we got at a local Chinese restaurant to pick up pom poms.  (They were children's chopsticks)

Tongs and Pom Poms
Little Sweets used tongs to pick up pom poms.  She counted them and put them in numbered muffin tins.  Great activity for math too.

Lacing Links onto Plastic Straws
I got this idea from this blog.  I found all these items from the dollar tree.  It was simple to make and Little Sweets loved the activity. Little Sweets put little plastic flowers on the straws.  I found the flowers in the toy department at the dollar tree.  You could also use plastic rings, beads, or rubber bands if you can't find the flowers. 

For more great tot school posts go here.

1 comment:

  1. All wonderful activities!

    Thanks for reminding me to do the straw lacing on the pipe cleaner! It has been on the list and I keep forgetting!

    Happy Summer!

