
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tot School letter "M"

Tot School- Letter "M"
34 Months

M is for Money

Little Sweets enjoyed sorting the coins in her piggy bank.  After sorting them I helped her identify each one.  We sang a song to help with identification and value.  The song can be found here.  I also let Little Sweets helps me identify coins when we go to the store.

Little Sweets loved putting the coins back in her piggy bank.

Patterning with Coins
I made patterns with the coins and Little Sweets told me the pattern and used coins to extend the patterns.

Alphabet Mats
I said a word and Little Sweets jumped to the letter that word started with.

Memory Match
Little Sweets played Winnie the Pooh Memory with me.  She had fun matching the cards.

I made a magnet stick by placing a magnetic strip on a Popsicle stick.  Little sweets used the the stick to identify magnetic objects.  She had fun going around the house to find different magnetic objects.

Little sweets read several books with me this week.  She really likes the book  Happy Birthday, Moon by Frank Asch.

We used paperclips to measure different objects.  Little Sweets told me how many paper clips long each object was.

Letter "M" Sound
Little Sweets identified pictures of objects that started with the letter "m".

Our Plant Project
Little Sweets has shown an interest in flowers and plants so I thought it would be fun to learn more about plants.  This week we talked about what plants need to live.  Then we bought some flowers and Little Sweets helped me plant them and water them.  She hasn't picked a flower from our yard since we started the project.  She was feeling sad every time the flower she picked died.  I think she is beginning to understand why they were dying. 

Invented Spelling
I thought this was so cute.  Little Sweets and daddy were working on spelling words.  Daddy helped her spell the word dad.  She decided she wanted it to say daddy so she added the "t" to the end of the word.  It makes sense.  I'm excited she has already started using invented spelling. 

For more great tot posts go here.