
Thursday, March 25, 2010

StART- I Ain't Gonna Paint No More

This week we read the book I Ain't Gonna Paint No More by Karen Beaumont. It is a cute book about a child who paints things that he isn't suppose to paint, including his own body. I absolutely love this book. It is adorable and is also great to use when you are teaching about ryhming and predicting.

Little Sweets and I made finger paints out of handsoap and after we read the book I let her paint paint with the finger paints. She painted her body and the bathtub. She really enjoyed this activity. The best part was that clean up was so easy, we just filled up the bathtub.

Here is the recipe to make fingerpaints from hand soap. I got it from Mix together 2 tablespoons of liquid soap and 1 tablespoon of cornstarch. Add 1 drop of food coloring.

To post your story and art or read more from other please go here.


  1. We have bathtub crayons but they don't work for coloring the body. Fun tub project!

  2. This is a great idea for bath art and a mini-chemistry project. I bookmarked this post since I want to do more "chemistry" with daughter next year.

  3. This looks like a lot of fun! Drawing in places where drawing isn't "meant" to take place is always fun - we've just discovered window crayons and the girls love them - the wide open space of the glass!

  4. Great idea! I've been looking for activities to do with my 20-month-old, but I hate having to clean up this mess. This is perfect!

  5. A perfect place to paint! My two love to paint, themselves included. I usually strip them down to their diapers and keep old towels nearby with a bath already drawn and let them have at it. I'm sure they would think tub painting was a blast. We'll have to read this book.
    thanks for following me, I've followed you back.

  6. I did this awhile back and forgot the recipe! Thanks for reminding me.

  7. That looks like such a fun project! I have to do this with Emily she would love it. I have seen this book at the library, but haven't read it yet. We will have to check it out on our next trip!

    Thank you for linking to stART!

  8. What a fun idea! We've never made fingerpaints.

  9. This looks like a lot of fun. I wonder if I could get my little one to do it. She is in a "clean" mood when it comes to art projects, but this looks like so much fun, I wonder if she could be persuaded.

  10. oh neat! I want to try this out :), thanks for following my blog and stopping by, I'm now following yours as well!

  11. I forgot all about this book! I got it out of the library for my son when he was little and we thought it was so fun! What a great idea- love the pic!
