
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blog Hop Getting in His Word Wednesday

Resurection Eggs

Last week I decided to host a new blog hop called Getting in His Word Wednesday. Every Wednesday I will post a Bible story and an activity to go with the story. The hop will be open all week. I hope others will join this hop. I am looking forward to meeting more moms and sharing activities with one another.

This week our activity was Resurrection eggs. I've seen these at the Christian Book Store, but decided to make my own. Basically you buy 12 plastic Easter eggs and place a different item in each egg. Your child opens each egg and takes out the item. You explain how the item relates to Jesus's death and Resurrection. The eggs help to tell the story about Easter.

Little Sweets really enjoyed opening each egg to see what is inside. She is too young to really understand the story, but we wanted to start a tradition in our family.

We plan on doing this activity every year around Easter time.Here is what goes inside each egg.

Egg #1 – Picture of a Donkey to remind us that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.

Egg #2 – Penny – The penny reminds us of the 30 pieces of silver Judas received for betraying Jesus into the hands of the Jewish leaders.

Egg #3 – Cup – The cup reminds us of Jesus’ last supper with His disciples before His crucifixion. It was what was used for the wine, which we drink in memory of Christ’s blood that He shed for us and our sins. The children had a sticker with a cup in it, but you can simply draw a picture of a cup.

Egg #4 – Praying Hands – The praying hands remind us of Jesus visiting the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. Again, this was a sticker but can easily be a drawing.

Egg #5 – Leather Strip – The leather strip reminds us of the whip used to give Jesus 30 lashes after His trial by Pilate. A leather shoelace can be cut into small pieces for this.
Egg #6 – Thorns – The thorns remind us of the crown of thorns the soldiers placed on Jesus’ head while mocking Him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!” Simply cut a small piece from a rosebush that includes a thorn on it.

Egg #7 – Nail – The nail reminds us of the nails that were driven into Jesus’ hands and feet to nail Him to the cross.

Egg #8 – One Die – The one die reminds us of the Roman soldiers gambling for Jesus’ robe. This is one of two “dice.”

Egg #9 – The sponge – The sponge reminds us of how the Roman soldiers gave Jesus vinegar to drink.

Egg #10 – Linen – The linen reminds us of the cloth used by Joseph of Arimathea to wrap Jesus’ body after He died on the cross. Use a piece of fabric.
Egg #11 – Stone – The stone reminds us of the tomb with the stone rolled away. A simple pebble will do for the stone.

Egg #12 – The empty egg reminds us of the empty tomb and Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.

I found what to put inside each egg from this website. I modified it some.


  1. You know, I've heard of Blog Hops, but don't understand what they are or how to do them! LOL There is so much to know in the blogging world, isn't there?

    Lord bless you!

  2. Basically it is just another way to share ideas with other bloggers. Usually there is a theme. My theme is a Bible activity. If you want to join you just click on the add your link here button. It will ask for your name and url. Copy and paste your url for the post you want to share and your done. I enjoy blog hops because it is another way to meet other great mom bloggers.

  3. Hi Charlene! I'm following from MBC!
