
Monday, February 8, 2010

Bible Story for the Week

As I was reading other homeschooling blogs I realized there was something I was missing in my curriculum. That something was teaching from the Bible. My husband and I pray with our daughter and try to teach her about Jesus everyday as we live our lives. When she was little I would read her a Bible story everyday. As she got older she got less interested and so I stopped. I have decided to be more proactive about reading Bible stories again. The book that I use was given as a gift when Little sweets was born and I really like it. It is called 100 Bible Stories 100 Bible Songs. We listen to the songs 3 -4 times over during the day. Gracie is to the point that she contiually asks for it. Now I am going to start to try to read a Bible Story to her and then listen to the song that goes with it. Since Valentine's Day is coming up I thought we could focus on God's Love for His Children.

Story for this week is Jesus Loves You, Bible Verse is John 3:16, Bible Song is For God So Loved the World

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