
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Homemade Finger Paint

Making homemade finger paint is a cheap fun activity. Older kids will love making the paint as much as they enjoy painting with it. Little Sweets and I did this activity when she was around ten months old. The best part was that I didn't have to worry if she was going to eat the paint because I knew what ingredients were in the paint. Lets face it ten month old babies will eat the paint!!

Here is what you'll need to make homemade finger paints

2 T. cornstarch
2 T. cool water
1 C. boiling water
food coloring

Mix the cool water and cornstarch. Add the boiling water and stir. It should thicken as you stir. When it is cool, divide into small cups or muffin tins. (I use the small plastic cups that fruit comes in or baby food jars.) Add food coloring and mix.

I am sure you all know this but just to clarify never let young children add the boiling water.

Resource: Book: Miserly Moms by Jonni McCoy

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