
Monday, September 26, 2011

Women of Faith Conference

Women of Faith Conference 2011
I recently recieved free tickets courtesy of Booksneeze for the women of faith conference.  I attended the conference in Charlotte, NC this past weekend and had a wonderful time.  The speakers were great and the music was wonderful.  If you are looking for something to do with some close women friends this is it.  Some of the speakers that spoke at this conference were Sheila Walsh, Luci Swindoll, Karen Kingsbury, and Lisa Harper.  The musical guests were Mary, Mary and Natalie Grant. There was also a drama performance by Nicole Johnson.
I highly recommend this conference.  If you would like to find out if there is a conference near you please check out this site.  They have already scheduled next years conferences so if you missed out this year there is always next year. 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received tickets from book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. For more information about this program please go here.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Preschool Week 7

Preschool Week 7

Here are just a few of the activities we did.  I haven't been keeping up with posting a lot of our activies.  I will try to post more in the future.

Bible Activity- Fruit of the Spirit:  Joy

Songs:  I've got the joy, joy, joy down in my heart
The fruit of the spirit song

Bible Story:  Paul and Silas in Prison
We read the story and reenacted it.  I made chains out of a toilet paper roll and yarn.  Little Sweets wore the chains during the story then we pulled them off.  We also put them on Little Peanut and put her in jail. 

Alphabet Review-  Letter Factory Game
Little Sweets really enjoys playing this game.

Math Puzzle
I bought this puzzle at the local consignment sale.  Little Sweets counted the pictures and matched the puzzle piece with the correct number.  We also did some addition puzzle pieces. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Preschool Week 6

Preschool Week
3 years old

Fruit of the Spirit

Here are some of the activities we did this week. 

Bible- Fruit of the Spirit-Love
This week we started learning about the first fruit of the spirit- love. 

Bible Songs : Love your Neighbor As Yourself, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves the Little Children, The Fruits of the Spirit Song, O How I love Jesus

Bible Stories: From the 100 Bible Stories 100 Bible Songs
Jesus loves you from John 3:16
Shine for Jesus from Matthew 5:14-15
God's great big love from Ephesians 3:18-19

Other Books:  Love by Jane Belk Moncure (I randomly found this book on the shelf at the library and I really really like it.  The author does a great job of sharing what love is in a way children can understand it.) The I love you book by Todd Parr, How Do I Love You? by Leslie Kimmelman


Fruit of the Spirit Basket
Little Sweets colored her first fruit of the spirit and the basket.  She glued the fruit on the basket. I got this activity from here.

Math- Counting and Number Recognition
Little Sweets counted the heart stamps and circled the correct number.  We did this with several different cards.

Math- Size Sequencing
Little Sweets put the hearts in order from largest to smallest.  You can print the hearts from here.

Heart Matching
LIttle Sweets matched the hearts from a cut up border strip.

Literacy and Art
Little sweets illustrated the book we made about loving her family.  Then she read the book.  Here is one page from the book.

Fine Motor and Math
Little Sweets continued the pattern with the heart beads and laced them onto a pipe cleaner.

This post is linked to Tot School and Preschool Corner

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

preschool week 5

Preschool Week 5
3 years old

Bible Story- Tower of Babel
We read the story of the tower of babel from Little Sweets Bible.  Little Sweets was showing me how tall the tower was. We used blocks to build our own tower.  Little Sweets counted the blocks in Spanish.

Little Peanut likes knocking over the blocks and then ate them.  : )

Math- Recognizing Numbers
After we built the tower I used the blocks to make numbers 11-15 and Little Sweets told me the numbers.

Literacy-Rhyming Word Activity
Little Sweets picked a card from a pile and then found the matching rhyming card.  She jumped, spun, walked backwards etc to the correct shape.  (This was a rhyming game hullaballoo style.)

Literacy- Word Family Activity
Little Sweets made at family words by placing the correct first letter in front of the word "at".

Literacy- Fishing for Sight Words
Little Sweets loves this game so I added more sight words and she used her fishing rod to pick up the fish.  Then she read the word.
Here is her sight word list: A, an, at, and, can, go, I, is, it, like, my, see, to, the, this. 

Literacy- at Words
We used letter unifix cubes to make at family words.  Little Sweets mixed the letters in the pail and then picked a letter out and placed it in front of at.  Then she read the word. I got the idea from here.

Math- Number Recognition
We also added number blocks to the pail and she pulled out the number and read it. 

Sight Word Activity
I wrote the new sight words on a sheet of paper.  Little Sweets used stamps to make the word.  Then she traced the word with a pencil. 

Beach Fun
We went to the beach for a vacation this week.  Little Sweet and Little Peanut had a ton of fun.

Little Peanut's sensory activity was playing in the sand and eating it ewww.