
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tot School Winter Theme Week 2

Tot School -Winter Theme
30 Months

We welcomed our newest bundle of joy on January 14th.  She was 8lbs 2 oz and little sweets loves being a big sister.  We haven't had much time for tot school. The activities from this post are from a few weeks ago. 

Cotton Ball Snowman

Little Sweets had fun gluing cotton balls to a snowman cutout.  I was very surprised that she didn't make a mess with the glue.  She made sure she put one dot on the snowman and then placed the cottonball on the glue dot.  She did such a great job I think I will let her use the bottle more often. 

Winter Patterns
Little Sweets loves her pattern blocks.  I printed some winter pattern block sheets from the prekinders website and Little Sweets loved working on them. 

Puffy Paint Snow Picture

After Little Sweets came in from the snow I thought it would be fun to paint a snow picture.  I tried remembering a recipe I had seen to make puffy paint.  I mixed poster paint and glue and it didn't really turn out that well.  I just found a recipe that calls for equal parts of shaving cream and glue.  She still enjoyed painting, but I think I will try again using the shaving cream and glue instead. 

Snow Sensory Activity

Little Sweets had so much fun playing in the snow that I decided to bring some into the house as a sensory activity.  Little Sweets really enjoyed scooping it up and putting it in cups.

Colored Snow Experiment
We  brought some snow inside and Little Sweets added two different colors to the snow.  When it melted it made a new color. 

Playing in the Snow
This is our second snow storm in 3 weeks and we live in South Carolina!!!  We don't usually get snow so this has been a treat for Little Sweets.  I only wish we had boots for her.  When she and daddy came in her little toes were so cold. 

For more great tot school posts go here

Friday, January 7, 2011

Tot School- Winter Theme

Tot School
30 months

I am due to have the baby next Friday and wasn't sure if I was going to make it so I decided to post some activities we are doing and will be doing this month a little early.

How Many Buttons?
Little Sweets loved playing in the snow so I tried to come up with some fun snowmen activities.  This activity is fun and easy to make.  I drew a picture of a snowman and made a number spinner.  The spinner was simple to make. I printed off a picture of a circle cut into fifths, wrote numbers in each piece, laminated the circle, poked a hole in the middle placed a metal clasp in the center, and attached a paper clip to the clasp.  To play the game we took turns spinning the spinner, identifying the number the spinner landed on, and counting out the correct number of buttons.    This is a great game for Little Sweets, she can count to twelve, but is still having trouble identifying some numbers.  I am glad I made the spinner because I plan to use it with other activities too.

This activity reinforces counting, one-to-one correspondence, and number recognition 

Button Sort
  This activity happened by accident.  Little Sweets wanted to look at the buttons so I handed her the bag and she dumped them all on the floor.  I should have known it was going to happen.  Instead of having her simply pick them up I grabbed a cupcake tin and she sorted the buttons by color.  I wouldn't suggest doing this activity around little ones because it is definitely a choking hazard. 

This activity reinforces sorting, fine motor skills, color discrimination and identification.

Mitten Lacing
I've been trying to come up with fun activities to reinforce fine motor skills so I decided to make my own lacing card.  I thought a mitten would be fun for winter.  I cut out a picture of a mitten from construction paper and laminated it.  Then I used a hole puncher to poke holes in it.  I tied
a shoe lace to the end of the mitten.  I've seen lacing cards at education stores, but if you have your own laminator and hole puncher I wouldn't waste the money. 

 I don't have any pictures of Little Sweets because this was the first time we attempted this type of activity and she was on my lap the whole time.  She struggled with it at first, but I am sure her skills will improve over time. 

This activity reinforces fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. 

Big and Little Sort
This activity was a little too simple for Little Sweets she was finished with it in a matter of seconds. I printed out two different sized snowmen and had Little Sweets sort them by size.

This activity reinforces the concept of sorting. 

Snowman File Folder Game
I found this activity here.  I  printed off the game and laminated the pieces.  The object of the game was to match the color snowman with the color word written on the snowman.  I printed it out in color since Little Sweets is just learning to identify colors and color words.  You can also print out the color words in black and white if you are focusing on learning to identify color words. 

Little Sweets enjoyed matching the snowmen.  We also talked about the color words as she matched the snowmen. She would say the color and then she would try to identify the letter the color word started with.  She did a great job. 
This activity reinforces the concepts of matching, color identification, and color word identification. 

Shape Snowman
I wanted Little Sweets to make a paper snowman so I found a pattern on this website.  This is a fun craft to teach about shapes.  I cut out the shapes, but if your child is older they could cut them out themselves.  Then I told Little Sweets to find a specific shape, like the big circle.  She would find the shape show me and then put glue on it.  Then she glued it to the page.  I had to show her where to glue the shapes she is still working on learning position words.  She really enjoyed this activity.

This activity can be used to teach about shapes, following directions, fine motor skills (cutting), and using position words. 

Five Snowmen Song and Activity
This was a song I would sing when I was teaching.  Five children would come up and pretend to be a snowman and act out the words.  I only have one child so instead I improvised.  We put five snowmen on our white board.  ( I used the laminated ones from the file folder game).  Then we sang the song and took one away when it melted in the song.  Then Little Sweets would count and tell me how many snowmen were left.  I also used this activity as an opportunity to teach about colors.  We would say each had a colored had instead of silly hat.  Then I would tell her which snowman melted by the color on his hat.  She had to find the right snowman with the right colored hat.  This is an activity I think we will be doing over and over again.

Here is a link to the song

This activity reinforces the concepts of, counting, subtraction, and color recognition. 

Mitten Bingo
We haven't had time to do this activity, but will do it later this month.  I printed out pictures of colored mittens and laminated the pictures.  Then I made a spinner. Each player takes a bingo card.  When it is there turn the spin the spinner.  If the spinner lands on a mitten color they have then they get to put a chip on that mitten.  The first to cover up all their mittens wins.  If you have older children who are learning there color words you could write all the color words in black and have them read the colors.  I used thematching colors since Little Sweets is just learning to identify colors. 

This activity reinforces the concepts of color identification, color word identification, and taking turns. 

Playing in the Snow
  We don't get much snow in South Carolina so this was a treat for daddy and Little Sweets. 

For more great tot posts go here.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas Activities 2010

Here are some activities we did over Christmas.  I know it's a little late to be posting, but you could always try them next year. 

God's Gift
This activity came from the preschool book " More Toddlerific Fun Faith-Builders "  I printed off pictures from the book and placed them in different gift boxes.  Little Sweets opened the boxes and pulled out the pictures.  Each picture told a part of the story of Christ's birth and emphasized that God's gift to us was Jesus.

Magnetic Christmas Story
This was easy to make.  Print out coloring pictures that go along with the story of Christ's birth.  Color and laminate the pictures. Put magnets on the back of the pictures and use the magnets to tell the story of Christ's birth.  I used the back of a cookie sheet as the magnet board.   

Birthday Cupcakes for Jesus

We usually make a birthday cake for Jesus for Christmas.  This year we made cupcakes.  We made 12 cupcakes to remind us that we should remember Jesus all 12 months of the year.  Little Sweets likes to help cook so this was a fun activity for her.